Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Chung-Shostakovich Symphony No. 5 CSO

Digital Download With Booklet


  1. http://www.embedupload.com/?d=2BMJUIRWIA

  2. I'm loving your new blog! Keep up the great work! I've especially enjoyed the Kertesz 5th, the Chung 5th, the Meta4 Quartets, and Rozhdestvensky cycle. I thought I had a lot of Shostakovich, but virtually everything you've added is new to my library! If I can be so bold as to make a request, do you by chance have the 13th and 14th by Ormandy? I'm sorry to have to admit I didn't much value his music making back in my youth when he was still alive. But coming back to his 4th years later, I was stunned! I realized I was missing an important musician's contribution.

    1. No I don‘t have his 13th and 14th,maybe in the future~
